It's been quite some time since I've produced (what my friends lovingly call) a useless Pedram project. That dry spell is over, I present to you: "Cowsay Sticky Note Edition":



I purchased this since discontinued Amazon "Day 1 Edition" Sticky Note Printer and was immediately disappointed by the fact that the only interface to printing to it was via voice. The printer sat collecting dust for two years until I found myself interested in a Raspberry Pi project. A port scan revealed that the IPP printer port was open, but I couldn't get anything to print. Through some research and brute-force, I devised a Python script to accomplish the task. The key was figuring out that the pixel values had to be exactly 576. From there, we could brute force an appropriate column count based on our chosen font and size.

The next thing I did, was open it up the the Internet via Twitter. After a few days, I had collected enough sticky notes and ASCII art to frame the work as art. This was a fun project that reconnected me with some old friends, by way of sticky note and garnered a great collection of fun quips from all around the world. Check out more pics / videos at: